5 Surprising Facts About Turmeric Root


Turmeric root is a plant in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). It’s also known as Indian saffron, yellow ginger and curcuma. The rhizome (underground stem) of turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Asian medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb. Turmeric contains powerful bioactive compounds that may benefit brain health and prevent or treat Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, heart disease and arthritis.

Turmeric root is a plant in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae).

Turmeric root is a plant in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). It is an annual herb with yellow flowers and underground rhizomes. The plant grows to about two feet tall.

The turmeric rhizome has a rich orange hue, which lends its name to the spice (curcuma). This bright color comes from curcumin, a chemical compound that gives turmeric its potent antioxidant properties. The spice is used in many dishes across Asia and South America because of its unique taste when added to food!

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, has powerful biological properties.

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, has powerful biological properties. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that can help with weight loss and lower cholesterol levels. Curcumin also helps reduce blood pressure, thus reducing your risk for heart disease or stroke. It has been proven to inhibit cancer growth in animal studies and could potentially be used as a treatment for human cancers.

Turmeric can influence over 700 genes.

In a recent study, curcumin was shown to influence over 700 genes. These genes can be categorized into three main areas: inflammation, metabolism and stress response. The role of curcumin in these processes is supported by animal studies on its ability to reduce intestinal inflammation and colon cancer risk; reduce blood sugar levels; improve cholesterol levels; help prevent cardiovascular disease; aid in the prevention of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis; reduce joint swelling; boost mood and alleviate depression symptoms; provide antioxidant protection against free radicals in the body that cause sicknesses like heart disease, diabetes or cancer; decrease tumor growth rates in colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments (by up to 50 percent) while increasing their chance of survival by nearly 30 percent after five years compared with those who did not take it (and they were also less likely to suffer from severe side effects).

Curcumin also interacts with more than 100 proteins within your cells which may account for many of its health-promoting properties due to its ability to modulate cell function and gene expression at the genetic level.

Turmeric may benefit brain health and prevent brain disease.

Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, is an antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent or slow the oxidation of other compounds by neutralizing free radicals and other damaging molecules that can lead to disease.

Curcumin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer effects on the brain. It may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) and depression.

Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties.

Turmeric is a spice, and it has been used as a food and medicine for thousands of years. It is one of the most popular herbs in the world, and there are many health benefits you can get from eating it. Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties such as curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight inflammation, cancer, diabetes and other diseases (1).

Curcumin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties through reducing inflammation markers in blood tests (2). It also helps improve gut bacteria by promoting good bacteria growth while inhibiting bad bacteria growth (3).

Turmeric May Improve Brain Functions and Lower Your Risk of Brain Diseases.

Turmeric is one of the most widely used spices in Indian cuisine, as well as an ingredient in many other cuisines around the world. In addition to adding flavor to your food, however, turmeric may also have some surprising health benefits for your brain.

One of the main compounds found in turmeric is curcumin, which has been shown to have several positive effects on brain function and prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Research has also shown that taking curcumin supplements can help improve memory and mental clarity while lowering rates of depression and anxiety

Arthritis Is a Common Cause of Disabilities and Chronic Pain.

Arthritis is a common cause of disabilities and chronic pain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it affects almost one in five adults in America. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which can be caused by a variety of factors including age, obesity or joint injuries.

Other types include rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder) and gout (an inflammatory condition that causes severe pain and swelling in joints).

Symptoms often include joint stiffness or pain; however, they can vary depending on the type of arthritis you have:

Osteoarthritis: Pain may occur during activity but typically eases off afterward; stiffness worsens with prolonged standing or sitting. You may experience occasional twinges at night when lying down or after getting up from bed in the morning.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This type causes persistent joint pain throughout your body as well as fatigue after activity — even simple tasks such as walking up stairs can leave you out-of-breath for a short period afterward! Weakness or lack of movement may also be present due to muscle atrophy over time due lack proper circulation due reduced blood flow caused by inflammation within joints.”

Turmeric May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease.

Turmeric may reduce the risk of heart disease. You don’t just have to take our word for it: A study conducted by researchers at Kentucky State University found that turmeric can lower cholesterol, blood sugar and triglyceride levels. All of these things combined help protect you from developing heart disease.

But how much turmeric do you need to eat in order to reap its benefits? While no specific dosage has been set, we recommend a teaspoon per day as a good starting point. You can also add some of this root powder to your smoothies or sprinkle it on some cooked vegetables for an added dose of antioxidants.

Turmeric also has other health benefits beyond helping prevent diseases such as cancer and arthritis through its antioxidant properties (which helps protect cells against damage) and anti-inflammatory effects (which reduce inflammation). These include its ability to treat digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers or stomach infections caused by bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori because they contain compounds that decrease inflammation associated with Crohn’s Disease or colitis—two conditions where there is an excessive amount of mucus production causing symptoms including abdominal pain/cramping/bloating after eating foods containing fat in them like french fries made outta potatoes…

Depression Is a Serious Mental Disorder That Negatively Impacts Wellbeing.

Depression is a serious mental disorder that negatively impacts millions of people every year. It is a common mental disorder, affecting more than 350 million people worldwide. Depression causes a wide range of symptoms and can interfere with your ability to carry out normal daily activities or work.

Depression can be treated with medication and talk therapy (psychotherapy). If you are experiencing signs of depression, see your doctor right away so you can begin treatment as soon as possible. You may also need to make lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise and eating healthier foods in order to prevent the onset of future episodes.

Curcumin Has Beneficial Effects on Several Factors Known to Play a Role in Heart Disease.

Curcumin may help to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and boost heart health in several ways.

Curcumin May Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or irritation. However, when it becomes chronic it can damage tissues and organs throughout the body — including the cardiovascular system. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods has been associated with reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. To date there are no human studies that have specifically looked at curcumin’s ability to reduce inflammation but animal studies suggest that curcumin does indeed have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body (1).

Turmeric is one of the most studied natural supplements for health today.

Turmeric, the yellow spice that gives curry its bright hue, is one of the most studied natural supplements for health today. Its active ingredient is curcumin, a compound that has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda and other traditional Chinese medicines.

Researchers have discovered more than 6,000 unique health benefits associated with turmeric root’s active ingredient: curcumin.


So far, we’ve seen that turmeric has a lot of potential as a treatment for brain disorders, including depression, anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease. And if you want to improve your heart health by lowering your risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD), curcumin may be an option for you too. But these are just two areas where turmeric can improve health—there are many others! In fact, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health lists over 700 genes that have been found to be influenced by this plant. If you want more information on how it might help with specific conditions like arthritis or obesity—or if you’re just curious about what else there is out there in terms of alternative medicine—look into doing some research on your own time!

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